Partial & Denture Postop Instructions

Denture & Partial Post-Operative Instructions


Congratulations on receiving your new denture or partial. We are pleased that you have chosen to replace your missing teeth.


New dentures and partials are just like new shoes – they need to be worn and broken in a bit.


It is normal to have some areas that rub your gums. We will be able to make some adjustments to alleviate those areas. Please do not try to do this yourself. Making an adjustment to one area can cause the denture to fit differently in other areas. Please allow those adjustments to be made in the office.


Any new appliance in your mouth can cause the salivary glands to produce more saliva for several days. This is normal and the production of saliva will go back to normal shortly.


Dentures and partials are great to replace missing teeth. However, it is important to understand that they are a substitute for natural teeth. When learning to eat with your new appliances take small bites and chew slowly, trying to evenly distribute the food on both sides of your mouth. This will help keep everything in place and keep them from slipping. As you practice, you will find you are able to eat normally in no time.


Caring For Your Denture/Partial & Your Gums & Remaining Teeth


Although you may no longer have natural teeth, your gum tissue is still very much in need of care. Continue to brush and floss your remaining teeth, AND/OR brush your gums using a soft bristled toothbrush twice per day.


Continue your routine dental appointment for cleanings, if you have any remaining natural teeth 2 or 4 times per year as directed.


If you no longer have any natural teeth, begin annual dental appointments to check for changes in your gum tissue or bone. An annual tissue check can be a lifesaving examination. Be sure to make this a priority each year.


Your denture and/or partial must be cleaned daily in order to prevent odor and remove stains.

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